Front #11: Investment, Pension & Sovereign Wealth Funds

In the current two-tiered market, those at the top—who can engineer disaster capitalism and operate outside the law—are becoming richer than ever. That upper tier shows no signs of “collapse.” In this environment, it is valid to ask whether a new set of rules about IRAs, 401(k)s, and pension funds may be around the corner, something that would help the predator class avail itself of those monies. There has been chatter before about conversion of IRAs into nonheritable annuities. If you are invested in one of those vehicles, consider options that increase your ability to withdraw funds at short notice (such as a Roth rather than traditional IRA), or convert to a self-directed IRA focused on real assets held by a custodian.
BlackRock’s Newest Investment Paves The Way For Digital Assets On Wall Street
World Requires $1.3 Trillion Energy Investment by 2030: JP Morgan Report
The Turn In Value Is Just Getting Started
World’s richest families invest more in private equity amid volatile markets – UBS
Stocks slide to close worst first half in 52 years: S&P 500 plunges 20.6% YTD, 8.4% in June
Sovereign Wealth Funds:
Sovereign Wealth Funds Reap Benefits of Pandemic Dislocation
We’re nowhere close to being able to control inflation: Larry Lindsey
1st Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology
2021 Annual Wrap Up: Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology
3rd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up – Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology with Jason T. Worth
2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up—Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology with Tim Caban
1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology –Subscriber Links
Unpacking Financial & Investment Advice, Part I
Unpacking Financial & Investment Advice, Part II
Catherine in Fall 2001 on Macroeconomic & Risk Issues
Unanswered Questions
Question #30: Offshore Havens Has Brexit succeeded in protecting the Anglo-American offshore havens from the Germans and the European Central Bank (ECB)? Are assets now being moved to the suborbital platform or space? What about using the Ukraine war as an opportunity to invest in the Silk Road and the rise of the land empire?
Question #31: Asset Stripping Will IRAs, 401(k)s, superannuation, and other retirement plans be respected? Will regulators force additional purchasing of U.S. Treasury notes, bills, and bonds? How far will mandates and social credit go? What will the next rounds of disaster capitalism look like, and how does small business prepare to overcome them?
Front #12: Covert Force & Organized Crime

Understanding what writer/poet Peter Dale Scott once referred to as “deep politics” means coming to terms with the co-opted nature of most institutions beyond the family—including the academy, churches, financial institutions, and government. More and more people are wising up to the reality that the federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise, but will Mr. Global weaponize that awareness to drive a final stake through the federal government, so that we are left with nothing but corporate and central bank rules enforced by private armies? Over the longer term, we can be hopeful that blowback against the organized crime model may help more decentralized and productive forms of governance take root, but in the meantime, learn self-defense and organize a neighborhood watch group.
‘We Are At War’: Naomi Wolf Breaks Down The WHO’s Plan To Seize Power
10 Reasons to Question the “Putin vs Davos” Narrative
Huge rally last night in Lahore in support of former Pakistani PM
U.S. Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Officials Say
Pakistan PM will “absolutely not” allow CIA to use bases for Afghanistan operations
As the SEC Cracks Down on Shady SPACS, CIA Officials Get in on the Action
United States County Preparedness Teams
U.S. Taxation: With or Without Representation?
Who Is Mr. Global? with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
Book Review: The Porn Factor by Diane Roblin-Lee
Right to Own and Bear Arms with John Harris, President of the Tennessee Firearms Association
Deep State Tactics 101 Parts I –10 with Catherine Austin Fitts
The Cosmic Implications of Mind Control with Dr. Joseph Farrell
The New Media with Elze van Hamelen
Control & Freedom Happen One Person at a Time with Catherine & Ulrike Granögger
Control Is One Person at a Time
Mind Control Tactics Used on Young People and Children (and Everyone Else)
PDF Now Available for Corey Lynn’s Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports
22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must!
Unanswered Questions
Question #32: Non State Actors To what extent are we dealing with multiple non-state actors controlling nuclear bombs and invisible weaponry? Will the principles established by the Treaty of Westphalia regarding sovereign monopoly on force completely disintegrate?
Front #13: Media & Entertainment (Censorship)

The corporate media’s market share continues to collapse, yet despite the plummeting ratings, they do not seem worried about the loss of advertising dollars. This suggests that they have other sources of support—both overt and covert—that reward their pushing of false narratives. The bad news for the public is that censorship is “off the charts.” It is puzzling that so many people who say they want nothing to do with digital concentration camps are still using Google, the Big Tech player responsible for some of the most egregious censorship.
Assange Is Doing His Most Important Work Yet
Memorandum on the Establishment of the White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse
New Bill Would Eliminate Biden’s ‘Ministry Of Truth’
Miracles or Murder – A Guidebook to Concepts of A Course in Miracles
Two networks, Same victim, different fathers.
Vaxx skeptic Sherri Tenpenny kicked off Truth Social
Part I: Liberty vs. Tyranny: Bizarro World
Jason Lanier: Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
Unanswered Questions
Question #33: Old Media: Why does anyone watch it? What does it take to realize your TV has been weaponized and throw it out?
Question #34: Sports: Are there any sports on old media that are not rigged?
Front #14: Digital Concentration Camps: The “Smart Grid” & Vaccine Passports

Worldwide, Mr. Global’s efforts to build out the control grid continue at top speed—satellites, smart grid fiber-optic cables, 5G antennas, and more. At the World Economic Forum’s 2022 annual meeting, Nokia’s CEO was even emboldened to describe how smartphones “will be built directly into our bodies” by 2030. It is essential that we reject in-home and in-body surveillance devices, including the one-way mirror that is television. Why not resurrect old-fashioned forms of entertainment like card-playing and board games that build human connection?
Smart Grid:
Miami International Airport plans for biometric boarding at all gates by 2023 | Biometric Update
World Bank Adopts Geospatial Surveillance And Tracking
UK wants to be the most desired best place to start and scale crypto companies
Vaccine Passports:
University of Toronto drops vaccine mandate after being hit with human rights complaint
‘Chinese police order residents to hand over passports ”until after the pandemic”
German parliament Rejects proposed COVID vaccine mandate after months of debate
Covid-19 Injections And The Global Control Grid—Just Say No
How Do We Stop the Control Grid? with Jon Rappoport
Google & Realtor.com Partner To Install Surveillance Nests In Your New Home
U.S. Taxation: With or Without Representation?
Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Series by Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs
22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must!
Agustin Carstens BIS General Manager and #CashFriday
PDF Now Available for Corey Lynn’s Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports
Unanswered Questions
Question #35: Vaccine Passports How do we stop them?
Front #15: Transportation and Travel

The rollout of the Covid-19 injections ushered a new word into the modern lexicon—“vaccident”—referring to accidents caused by drivers or pilots experiencing vaccine adverse events while behind the wheel or in the cockpit. If one considers the synergistic and cumulative effects of the Great Poisoning—including not just the Covid injections but also electromagnetic poisoning via 5G and other wireless exposures—as well as the stress caused by disaster capitalism and rising crime, it is little wonder the roads and airways feel increasingly unsafe. Unfortunately, it is not only one’s home that can be turned into a digital concentration camp—it is also one’s car.
Nearly 400 car crashes in 11 months involved automated tech, companies tell regulators
Watch this incredible footage of a jetpack-flying medic
World’s First Vertiport For Flying Taxis Opens In UK – GreatGameIndia
U.S. Travelers Will Need REAL ID Cards To Board All Flights Starting Next Year
Exclusive: Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’
Are ‘Vaccinated’ Drivers a Traffic Risk?
‘Unvaxxed’ Canadians Banned From Travel For the Next 3 Years
Food for the Soul Audio: Traveling…While Streaming
Food for the Soul – The Lust for Travel
Site where you can check actual travel restrictions in each country
Book Review: Three Books About Bicycles
Unanswered Questions
Question #36: Air Travel Is air travel safe? What is the status of remote control, pilot heart attacks, 5G concerns, and software control?
Question #37: Cars and Trucks How fast will the adoption of autonomous cars and trucks be? Should we be concerned about reports of increasing traffic fatalities?
Front #16: Ocean and Skies

Far too many people are still falling for the official climate change narrative. As Catherine summarized in her 2018 post titled “An Intelligent Conversation about the Environment,” the topic cannot be addressed fairly without grappling with the planet’s secret governance structure, as well as acknowledging the major impact of factors like nuclear testing, global spraying, weather modification, and F-35s. The UN Secretary-General may have declared an “ocean emergency” on the basis of climate change, but it is clearly a cover story for collateralization and commercialization of the oceans (as is also being done in space). According to the establishment’s financial experts, there has been a shortage of collateral (the assets pledged as security for a loan) ever since the Global Financial Crisis; however, the financial press never mentions the deeper problem—collateral fraud—nor does it admit to Mr. Global’s increasingly out-in-the-open intention to collateralize (enslave) humans.
Joseph Farrell COG NORTHCOM UFO Emergency Danger!
UFOs are a threat to national security
Pentagon Spokesperson Dodges Question About Alien Bodies and Crafts
Pentagon gives go-ahead to US Physicist to publish data on Nuclear Events on Mars
Study Reveals 126 Species of Fish Contaminated with “cocktail of pharmaceuticals”
Biosynthetic potential of the global ocean microbiome
A Solari Report Special with Clifford Carnicom
Unanswered Questions:
Surprise! It’s Official! The Mars Doorway is Not a Door!
That Black Cube Thing Near the Sun
Question #38: Blocking the Sun What could go wrong? Why do they need to block out the sun?
Front #17: Multipolar Turf Wars

Under the Bretton Woods system, the U.S.—for good or for ill—played global cop. Now we seem to be entering a far more chaotic “no global cop” period. There are many signs of a covert mafia-like war involving both state and non-state actors, complete with biowarfare and other invisible weaponry, hit teams, cartels, and nuclear threats. On the financial front, there are indications that the BRICS nations may be taking steps toward a gold-backed regional reserve currency—something with the potential to drive many players out of the dollar system. U.S. “ally” Israel has already begun reducing its dollar reserves.
Vladimir Putin Transcript of Plenary Session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum 2022
Taliban eradicating Afghanistan’s poppy cultivation to wipe out opium and heroin production
Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: Ukraine Strange – UFOs and Deep State Actors
Russia Offers SWIFT Alternative to India for Ruble Payments
Lavrov’s Controversial Remarks on Zelensky & Hitler
Russian Spy Chief Says U.S., Poland Plotting Division of Ukraine
Macron suggested Ukraine give up some of its sovereignty to allow Putin to save face, says Zelensky
Russia: Top Democrats Involved In US-Funded Bioware Research in Ukraine
House Passes AXIS Act That Accuses China of ‘Whitewashing Russia’s War Crimes’
GOP bill would make State Dept. reveal China’s Putin collaboration
US Army looks to address capability gaps as it rebuilds Arctic operations
NASA “Holoported” A Doctor To Space Station
Entrainment Technology, Subliminal Programming, and Financial Manipulation
Unanswered Questions
Question #39: The Moon What is the moon? Do we have a colony on the moon or Mars? What is the U.S. doing about the International Space Station?
Question #40: Global Cop How far might other countries’ conquests go once it becomes clear the U.S. will no longer play global cop?
Question #41: Anglosphere Down Under and Fortress Australia Why have the Australian and New Zealand lockdowns been so brutal? What does it have to do with Pine Gap and Antarctica? What is the meaning of AUKUS?
Front #18: Weaponized Migration

With the open U.S.-Mexico border and the large numbers of Ukrainians and others being moved into western Europe, there is little doubt that populations are being weaponized. Unfortunately, while legitimate immigrants are often hard-working, culturally compatible, and a boon to the economy, their arrival can mask the stealth entry of more nefarious elements—and the build-up of a lawless invading army. Let’s not forget that open borders also facilitate the drug trade, which is an essential “cash cow” for the intelligence agencies.
U.S.-Mexico Border Arrests Top One Million in Six Months
Is the Irish Government Using Refugees to Take Over Private Homes and Businesses?
Solari Disaster Prep Series – Suburban Planning
Unanswered Questions
Question #42: Afghanistan and Ukraine Why are unvetted Afghanistan being brought back to the U.S. by the military? How many people will leave Ukraine and where will they go?
Question #43: EU Immigration Crisis Who’s doing this, and what is the goal?
Front #19: Climate Change Op & Energy

U.S. productivity was down 7.5% in the first quarter. No society can withstand a decline in productivity like that for long. Looking at the strange and seemingly counterproductive developments in the energy sector, one wonders if the plan is to bring out breakthrough energy at the retail level—centrally controlled through the smart grid, of course. Breakthrough energy would dramatically increase the value of real estate—an attraction for the world’s billionaires—and could produce the wealth needed to keep things going a while longer. However, it does not look like the current leadership has the managerial skills or long-term vision that such a strategy ultimately would require.
Greener than Thou: Deutschebank Raided Again
Surprise: Highly Reactive Chemicals Discovered in Atmosphere
No one is ready for the rising tide of climate litigation
German Regulator Shelves ESG Rules After Russia Energy Fears
Germany girds for gas rationing, Europe on edge in Russian standoff
Why NOPEC, the U.S. bill to crush the OPEC cartel, matters
Russia could cut gas supply to Finland on Friday
Diesel Fuel Shortage Sets Stage for Next Biden Created Crisis
Tucker: Inflation is proof the people in charge are reckless and stupid
No one is ready for the rising tide of climate litigation
Russia could cut gas supply to Finland on Friday
Via Europa: European Energy—A Difficult Situation with Bruno Comby
A Solari Report Special with Clifford Carnicom
Going Off-Grid: Risks and Rewards
Assess your Place: Rebuilding a Local Economy
1st Quarter 2020 Wrap Up: The Real Deal on Going Local – The Final Mile with Patrick M. Wood
Unanswered Questions
Question #44: The Climate Change Op Can the Covid-19 to Climate Change bait-and-switch really work? How will this dovetail with the changes in global taxes and the push to control real estate and land? Why has Biden appointed a climate change czar who has the carbon footprint of a Panzer division? Why have they chosen carbon for the control unit? When will the general public begin to realize the dangers of all retail transactions being on a digital control grid? When will the energy cost of crypto and blockchain systems as well as F-35 and military activities become widely appreciated?
Question #45: Sun Cycles and Geophysical Risks What is happening to the sun? Are we entering into a period of diminished sun spot activity? What would that mean for our weather and economy? Are we experiencing a new cooling cycle and are we at risk of a new ice age? Why is Gates talking about blotting out the sun? Is the risk of a coronal mass ejection (CME) real? Does Earth have a “Three-Body Problem”? Why is there a pattern of civilization destruction 10,000 years ago? As the planet enters a cooling cycle, it looks like Mr. Global is unwilling to share what he knows about geophysical risks with the general public. Is Mr. Global “playing around” with stellar physics to show someone “out there” what we can do?
Front #20: Technology Out of Control

Technology has never seemed more out of control. With the corruption of the scientific and research establishment, science has literally become an “anything goes” and “just because we can” endeavor. Concerning developments include the use of robots and drones to carry out police and enforcement functions, and the burgeoning brain-machine interface technologies that financial fraudsters like Epstein and Madoff helped incubate through their funding of brain research. It remains to be seen whether the leadership can protect itself from its own run-amok systems.
Something Really Bad is About to Fundamentally Change Humanity – (Pt 1)
First ‘Gapless’ Human Genome Map Is Unveiled, Years After Earlier Effort
French court pulls SpaceX’s Starlink license
NASA “Holoported” A Doctor To Space Station
Amazon signs on launch partners for space internet
Allergic to Meat-Human Engineering
Gene Editted Hamsters Turn Nasty
Mind Control Tactics Used on Young People and Children (and Everyone Else)
Book Review: Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier
Commentary Collection: Promoting Women
Future Science Series: Medical Nanobots – Implications of the Wave Genome, Part I
Future Science Series: Medical Nanobots—Implications of the Wave Genome, Part II
Book Review: Geoengineered Transhumanism by Elana Freeland
Book Review: The Autism Epidemic: Transhumanism’s Dirty Little Secret
Control & Freedom Happen One Person at a Time with Catherine & Ulrike Granögger
The 2019 Annual Wrap Up – Deep State Tactics 101, Parts IX-X
Unanswered Questions
Nanofossils: Some High Octane Speculation
Tamagotchi kids: could the future of parenthood be having virtual children in the metaverse?
Question #46: Science What will be the long-term impact of the corruption and destruction of scientific research and academic infrastructure?
Question #47: The Theranos Drama What was that about?
Question#48: The Epstein Drama How come Epstein and Madoff funded so much brain research? And what does it have to do with FASAB 56 and the missing money?
Question #49: Invisible Weaponry & Technology How important are invisible and secret weaponry and technology to the replacement of global currency systems with crypto control systems? How are invisible technologies being used to engineer civil wars, turn people against each other, and engage in disaster capitalism? How do they relate to 190+ government leaders implementing central policies? What are the extreme risks generated by new technology: mRNA gene therapy, high-tech fires, the push for immortality, DNA editing, 5G+ mind control and assassinations, and the interbreeding of humans with other species? What else? What should we do to learn more about weather warfare, interdimensionality, time travel, and geophysical risks? Could we get an Operation Blue Beam in 2022? Do we have the capacity to create our own telepathic portals for global “travel”? Do we have the capacity to dramatically increase our natural use of our full brain and other intelligence capacities?
Question #50: Technocracy, Transhumanism, and Reengineering the New Man Are we watching a process of removing the existing species and replacing it with a new species whose genetic make-up and upbringing are centrally controlled?
Question #51: AI and Machine Enforcement When are robotics and automation going to go up the S curve? Will the “defund the police” movement turn out to be an install robot and drone police wave?
Question #52: High-tech Risks What are the extreme risks generated by new technology: mRNA gene therapy, high-tech fires, the push for immortality, DNA editing, 5G+ mind control and assassinations, and the interbreeding of humans with other species? What else? What should we do to learn more about weather warfare, interdimensionality, time travel, and geophysical risks? Could we get an Operation Blue Beam in 2022? Do we have the capacity to create our own telepathic portals for global “travel”?
All Fronts
Question #53: The Vision Thing and the Road Ahead What are the supporting facts and arguments for optimism? How do we push back on missing money and taxation? What is most on the minds of members of Giza Death Star and Solari Report subscribers? What can we do this year to help improve the learning speeds in our shared intelligence networks? How do we restore a high human civilization that can successfully lead for 1,000+ years?
Part I and II: Top Ten War Fronts Headlines
Story Date | Front | Story Link | Source | Category | Tag |
2022-04-10 | 1 | The Aftermath - Texas Forestry Service Pissed Me Off | Youtube | Geopolitics | TX, Hemphill, Wildfire |
2022-04-11 | 1 | Abp. Viganõ: Both society and Church 'infiltrated'by people who want to 'destroy' them | Lifesite | Culture | Vigano, NWO, War on God |
2022-04-22 | 1 | Artificial wombs: The coming era of motherless births? | Genetic Literacy Project | Food & Health | Birthing, Artifical Wombs, Motherless Births |
2022-04-26 | 1 | New Pedophile Satan Club After School Programs For 6-13 Year Olds | Bitchute | Culture | Pedophile, Satan Club, After School |
2022-04-29 | 1 | Arizona gov. signs sweeping religious freedom law declaring churches 'essential' | Lifesite | Geopolitics, Culture | AZ, Religious Freedom, |
2022-04-29 | 1 | Is the Irish Government Using Refugees to Take Over Private Homes and Businesses? | Need To Know | Geopolitics | Ireland, Refugees, Property Rights, Real Estate |
2022-05-01 | 1 | Escobar: Clash Of Christianities - Why Europe Cannot Understand Russia | Zerohedge | Geopolitics, Culture | Russia, Orthodox, Civilation Battle, Russian History, Culture |
2022-05-03 | 1 | Religious Faith vs Covid-19 Lockdowns | Bitchute | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Faith, Covid, Overreach |
2022-05-09 | 1 | Bill Gates: 92nd st Y- Pandemic | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Pandemic, Covid, Lockdown |
2022-05-09 | 1 | Satanic Temple to argue abortion is ritual in legal challenges to states that put up hurdles to procedure | Fox News | Culture, Food & Health | Satanic Temple, Abortion, Ritual, Legal Challenges |
2022-05-14 | 1 | Pentagon gives go-ahead to US Physicist to publish data on Nuclear Events on Mars | Tales From Out There | Space | Pentagon, Paper, Nuclear Events, Mars |
2022-05-19 | 1 | Russia Using Powerful Laser Weapons Against Ukraine | Newsweek | Geopolitics | Russia, Laser Weapons, Ukraine |
2021-09-20 | 2 | A Tunguska sized airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age city in the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea | Nature | Culture | History, Tunguska, Jordan Valley |
2022-03-12 | 2 | Reindeers in Finland | Youtube | Culture | Inspiration |
2022-04-09 | 2 | Obstacles Along the Way | Youtube | Geopolitics | Subverted History |
2022-04-13 | 2 | Minneapolis Fed President Goes Woke, Does Political Lobbying, Ignores Inflation | Mish Talk | Economy & Financial Markets, Space | MN, Fed, President, Culture, Inflation, Lobbying |
2022-06-01 | 2 | Everything that is worth living and dying for is under attack right now.. | Culture | Man, Woman, Family, Society | |
2022-06-01 | 2 | The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022 | Platinum Jubilee.gov.uk | Geopolitics | Queen Elizabeth ll, Reign, Jubilee |
2022-06-09 | 2 | Bishop Richard N. Williamson Speech On The Church, Satan, Politics, Putin, and the New World Order | Bitchute | Culture | Church, Satan, Politics, Putin, New World Order |
2022-05-10 | 3 | This is just too 'delicious' not to sitrep quickly'Ukraine calls force majeure and halts 1/3 of European gas | The Saker | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Ukraine, EU, Gas |
2022-01-22 | 3 | Chaos in the world will prevail until 2026? - Dr. A. Fursov | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Covid, Economy, Chaos, Riots, Globalisation, 2026 |
2022-04-01 | 3 | GOP bill would make State Dept. reveal Chinaâs Putin collaboration | New York Post | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, China, UN, Security Council, Axis Act |
2022-04-01 | 3 | The Global Risks Report 2022 | weforum.org | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Global Risks, WEF, Climate, Cyber, Migration |
2022-04-03 | 3 | Is Russia Losing the War in Ukraine Ft Scott Ritter | Youtube | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, Military Operation |
2022-04-03 | 3 | Pollsters Humiliated As 2 Pro-Putin Parties Win Avalanche Victories In European Elections | Zero Hedge | Geopolitics | Russia, Serbia Hungary Support |
2022-04-04 | 3 | U.S. stops Russian bond payments in bid to raise pressure on Moscow | Yahoo News | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | US Blocks Russian Bond Payments, |
2022-04-06 | 3 | The Australian Department of Health Isnât a Biologist. | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Australia, Gender, Gender Idenities, | |
2022-04-08 | 3 | Clare Daly MEP Dublin On Ukraine | Bitchute | Geopolitics | EU, Parliment, Clare Daly, Ukraine, Pushback |
2022-04-09 | 3 | Obstacles Along the Way | Youtube | Geopolitics | Subverted History |
2022-04-11 | 3 | Through Ukraine: Can the West Use the War to Stem Its Decline and the Shift to a New Global Monetary Order? | Stategic Culture | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Ukraine, War, US, EU, NATO, Decline, Monetary Order |
2022-04-11 | 3 | Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijianâs Regular Press Conference on April 11, 2022 | FMPRC | Geopolitics | China, Press Release, NATO, Russia |
2022-04-12 | 3 | Our Common Agenda: 'Multilateralism With Teeth' | Technocracy News | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Multilateralism, UN, Build Back Better, Covid |
2022-04-12 | 3 | 'Pakistan's new government facing severe economic challenges, aide says | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Pakistan, New Government, Economy |
2022-04-14 | 3 | Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: Ukraine Strange - UFOs and Deep State Actors | Youtube | Geopolitics, Space | Russia, Covert Wars, Spy Games, UFOs, CIA |
2022-04-15 | 3 | China Hesitates On Bailing Out "Sinking Ships" Sri Lanka, Pakistan | NDTV | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | China, Creditor, IMF, World Bank, Sri Kanka |
2022-04-15 | 3 | German parliament REJECTS proposed COVID vaccine mandate after months of debate | News Target | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Mandates, Germany, Pushback |
2022-04-20 | 3 | 'Chinese police order residents to hand over passports ''until after the pandemic''' | RFA | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, China, Police, Residents, Passports, Pandemic |
2022-04-20 | 3 | Zelensky's statements influenced by what he drinks or smokes- Lavrov | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, Zelensky, Lavvrov | |
2022-04-22 | 3 | Xi Jinping set to secure unprecedented third term as Chinaâs leader | Hinduestan Times | Geopolitics | China, Xi Jinping, 3rd Term |
2022-04-28 | 3 | 2022 Emergency Supplemental Funding Ukraine | Whitehouse | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Whitehouse, Ukraine, Funding, Bill |
2022-04-28 | 3 | Kremlin confirms intention to Back Ruble with Gold and Commodities | Bullion Star | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Russia, Gold, Kremlin, Ruble |
2022-04-28 | 3 | Russian Spy Chief Says U.S., Poland Plotting Division of Ukraine | Reuters | Geopolitics | Russia, Spy Chief, US, Poland, Ukraine |
2022-04-29 | 3 | House Passes AXIS Act That Accuses China of âWhitewashing Russiaâs War Crimesâ | The Epoch Times | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, China, UN, Security Council, Axis Act |
2022-05-01 | 3 | World Freedom Declaration | Health Freedom Defense Fund | Geopolitics, Food & Health | WHO, Pandemic, Treaty, Global Health, Technocracy, Push back |
2022-05-05 | 3 | Tucker: Violence is already beginning | Youtube | Geopolitics | Biden, Presidency, Disaster, Violence |
2022-05-06 | 3 | UN Security Council adopts first statement on Ukraine since conflict erupted | TASS | Geopolitics | UN, Security Council, Ukraine |
2022-05-06 | 3 | UN Security Council adopts first statement on Ukraine since conflict erupted | TASS | Geopolitics | UN, Security Council, Ukraine |
2022-05-07 | 3 | China calibrating policy post USâ AXIS Act | Sunday Guardian Live | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, China, UN, Security Council, Axis Act |
2022-05-09 | 3 | U.S. Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Officials Say | The New York Times | Geopolitics | Ukraine, Russia, US, Intelligence, Generals |
2022-05-09 | 3 | Bill Gates: 92nd st Y- Pandemic | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Pandemic, Covid, Lockdown |
2022-05-09 | 3 | Bill Gates: 92nd st Y- Pandemic | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Pandemic, Covid, Lockdown | |
2022-05-10 | 3 | This is just too 'delicious' not to sitrep quickly'Ukraine calls force majeure and halts 1/3 of European gas | The Saker | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Ukraine, EU, Gas |
2022-05-10 | 3 | I Read Bill Gates' New Book (So You Don't Have To!) | Activist Post | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Pandemic, Public Health |
2022-05-11 | 3 | Chip Roy Unloads on House Floor over Massive $40 Billion vote for Ukraine-Says what we're All thinking | Geopolitics | Chip Roy, Ukraine, Bill | |
2022-05-11 | 3 | Protect Our Constitutionally Protected Rights & Freedom- Sweden | Skrivunder.com | Geopolitics | Sweden, Constitution, State of Emergency, |
2022-05-12 | 3 | Russia could cut gas supply to Finland on Friday | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Russia, Gas, Finland, Cutoff |
2022-05-12 | 3 | Russia could cut gas supply to Finland on Friday | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Russia, Gas, Finland, Cutoff |
2022-05-12 | 3 | 'We Are At War': Naomi Wolf Breaks Down The WHO's Plan To Seize Power | Rumble | Geopolitics | WHO, Pandemic, Treaty, Global Health, Global Goverance |
2022-05-13 | 3 | Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UN Security Council briefing on biological laboratories in Ukraine (agenda item "Threats to international peace and security") | Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN | Geopolitics | Ukraine, Biolabs, Bioweapons, UN, Security Council |
2022-05-13 | 3 | Russia: Top Democrats Involved In US-Funded Bioware Research in Ukraine | TRU News | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, Biolabs, US, Democrats |
2022-05-13 | 3 | Macron suggested Ukraine give up some of its sovereignty to allow Putin to save face, says Zelensky | Yahoo News | Geopolitics | Macron, Russia, Ukraine, Zelensky, Sovereignty |
2022-05-14 | 3 | Mary Holland On The WHO Pandemic Treaty 'A Technocratic Approach to Global Health' | Rumble | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | WHO, Pandemic, Treaty, Global Health, Technocracy |
2022-05-17 | 3 | The Swiss Connection: How Russia Is Weathering Tough Sanctions | Oil Price | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Switzerland, Russia, Oil, exports |
2022-05-18 | 3 | How should Tennessee prepare for an unconstitutional treaty usurping national sovereignty by the WHO? | Tennessee Stands | Geopolitics, Food & Health | WHO, Pandemic, Treaty, Global Health, Technocracy, Tennessee |
2022-05-18 | 3 | Yellen: Not legal for U.S. to seize Russian official assets | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Yellen, US, Asset Seizure, Russia |
2022-05-18 | 3 | Finland, Sweden Apply for NATO Membership, Breaking Decades of Neutrality | The Wall Street Journal | Geopolitics | Finland, Sweden, NATO, Military Alliance |
2022-05-19 | 3 | Tucker: We've just moved one step closer to tyranny | Youtube | Geopolitics | Jan 6th, Domestic Terrorism, Tyranny |
2022-05-19 | 3 | Ukraine war rooted in desire of US, West to rule world: Russian foreign minister | Exclusive | India Today | Geopolitics | Ukraine, Russia, Lavrov, NWO |
2022-05-26 | 3 | Breaking: Mother trying to save children at Uvalde was handcuffed by federal marshals | The Post Millennial | Geopolitics | TX, School Shooting, Uvalde, Mother, Arrested |
2022-05-27 | 3 | Updated: Compiling Cases where concealed handgun permit holders have stopped likely mass public shootings | Crime Research | Geopolitics | Gun, Laws, Conceal & Carry |
2022-05-27 | 3 | Austrian Monetary Gold Transfer from London to Switzerland-Planned in 2015-Still Hasn't Arrived | Crime Research | Geopolitics[/hide] | Gun, Laws, Conceal & Carry |
2022-05-28 | 3 | Fitts to US Taxpayers: Help Fix Government or Accept Digital Enslavement | Bitchute | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | CAF, HUD, Missing Money, Government Waste, Taxation |
2022-05-28 | 3 | International Alliance for Justice and Democracy on WHO | blckbx | Geopolitics | WHO, Pandemic, Treaty, Global Health, Technocracy |
2022-05-28 | 3 | Catherine Austin Fitts-International Alliance for Justice and Democracy on WHO | Rumble | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | WHO, Pandemic, Treaty, Global Health, Technocracy |
2022-05-29 | 3 | Democracy At Threat By WHO's Centralization of Power- Geneva Press Club Press Conference Full Video 5/29/22 | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Democracy, WHO, Pandemic Treaty |
2022-06-02 | 3 | Taliban eradicating Afghanistan's poppy cultivation to wipe out opium and heroin production | ABC.net | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Taliban, Afghanistan, Poppy Fields, Production |
2022-06-02 | 3 | "Good people with a gun" -Thomas Massie | Geopolitics | Biden, Gun, Law, Ban | |
2022-06-02 | 3 | Has Russia legalised intellectual-property theft? | The Economist | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Russia, Intellectual Property, Rights, Theft |
2022-06-02 | 3 | Taliban eradicating Afghanistan's poppy cultivation to wipe out opium and heroin production | ABC.net | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics[/hide] | Taliban, Afghanistan, Poppy Fields, Production |
2022-06-02 | 3 | Has Russia legalised intellectual-property theft? | The Economist | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics[/hide] | Russia, Intellectual Property, Rights, Theft |
2022-06-04 | 3 | The Top 10 Creepiest & Most Dystopian Things Pushed By The World Economic Forum | Zerohedge | Geopolitics | WEF, Global Elite, Davos Elite |
2022-06-05 | 3 | Rethinking the Second Amendment. 'Those Lost to Gun Violence' : Dr. Naomi Wolf | Global Research | Geopolitics | 2nd Amendment, Gun Laws, Freedom |
2022-06-05 | 3 | Bilderberg Meetings | Bilderberg Meeting | Geopolitics | Bilderberg Meeting, Attendees |
2022-06-07 | 3 | Part-2: Mass Shootings and the Psychiatric Drug Connection | Jon Rappoprt | Geopolitics | Mass Shootings, Psychiatric Drugs |
2022-06-08 | 3 | Israeli minister caught lying about the topic we are not supposed to ever mention | Youtube | Geopolitics | Israel, Nuclear Weapons |
2022-06-24 | 3 | Abortion: now comes the war | Jon Rappoprt | Geopolitics | SCOTUS, Roe V. Wade, Abortion, US, War |
2022-01-22 | 4 | Chaos in the world will prevail until 2026? - Dr. A. Fursov | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Covid, Economy, Chaos, Riots, Globalisation, 2026 |
2022-04-03 | 4 | Is Russia Losing the War in Ukraine Ft Scott Ritter | Youtube | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, Military Operation |
2022-04-09 | 4 | Russia's war on Ukraine pushes Germany to strengthen the infrastructure of protection shelters and pump 100 billion euros into the army budget | Teller Report | Geopolitics | Germany, Ukraine, Army, |
2022-04-21 | 4 | Florida House votes in favor to strip Disney's self-government. | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Disney, LGBT, Gay Characters, FL, DeSantis, Taxes, Self-Government | |
2022-04-28 | 4 | 2022 Emergency Supplemental Funding Ukraine | Whitehouse | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Whitehouse, Ukraine, Funding, Bill |
2022-05-04 | 4 | Sergey Glazyev: For those who still donât understand | The Saker | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, Military, US, NATO |
2022-05-09 | 4 | U.S. Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Officials Say | The New York Times | Geopolitics | Ukraine, Russia, US, Intelligence, Generals |
2022-05-13 | 4 | Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UN Security Council briefing on biological laboratories in Ukraine (agenda item "Threats to international peace and security") | Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN | Geopolitics | Ukraine, Biolabs, Bioweapons, UN, Security Council |
2022-05-19 | 4 | Russia Using Powerful Laser Weapons Against Ukraine | Newsweek | Geopolitics | Russia, Laser Weapons, Ukraine |
2022-05-19 | 4 | Ukraine war rooted in desire of US, West to rule world: Russian foreign minister | Exclusive | India Today | Geopolitics | Ukraine, Russia, Lavrov, NWO |
2022-06-05 | 4 | UK to give Ukraine long-range missile systems | Space Wars | Geopolitics | Uk, Ukraine, Missile System |
2022-06-18 | 4 | Prepare to fight and beat Russia in a Third World War, Britain's top general warns: New UK Army commander tells troops to brace for European land war in tub-thumping message as tyrant Putin menaces ex-Soviet states | Daily Mail | Geopolitics | UK, Russia, WWlll, General, Warning |
2022-06-18 | 4 | World War 3 for dummies | The Saker | Geopolitics | Russia, US, EU, Ukraine, War |
2022-04-12 | 5 | The disturbing misuse of DOJ by the Biden White House continues | The Hill | Geopolitics | Biden, White House, DoJ, Abuse |
2022-04-19 | 5 | Canadian Police for Freedom Demand Criminal Investigations for Covid Crimes | Dr. Trozzi.org | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Canada, Police, Investigations, Push Back |
2022-04-21 | 5 | Justices Say Puerto Ricans Not Entitled To SSI Benefits | Law 360 | Geopolitics | Puerto Rico, SCOTUS, SSI Benefits |
2022-05-04 | 5 | Dr. Peter Breggin Talks Covid-19 Crimes and Treason | Bitchute | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Government Policy, Treason |
2022-06-09 | 5 | The Supreme Court just ruled that Border Patrol can enter any home without a warrant and assault you, within 100 miles of the border. And no, you have zero federal protections if they do so. | Supreme Court | Geopolitics | 4th Amendment, Border Control, Warrentless searches, Supreme Court Ruling |
2022-06-22 | 5 | Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Paves Way for Thousands of Lawsuits Claiming Monsanto's Roundup Causes Cancer | The Defender | Geopolitics | SCOTUS, Bayer, Monsanto, Roundup, Cancer |
2022-06-23 | 5 | Supreme Court Opens Path to More Guns in Public in Big US Cities | Bloomberg Law | Geopolitics | 2nd Amendment, Gun Control, Supreme Court, Pushback |
2022-06-29 | 5 | Germany building Largest army in Europe as Scholz vows Kyiv support 'as long as necessary' | Express | Geopolitics | Germany, Ukraine, Army |
2020-06-17 | 6 | RFK, Jr. Discusses Aborted Fetal DNA and Vaccines with Dr. Theresa Deisher | Children's Health Defense | Science & Technology, Food & Health | Vaccines, Fetal Tissue, DNA, |
2021-06-22 | 6 | Allergic to Meat-Human Engineering | Food & Health | Tick, Allergy, Red Meat | |
2021-10-01 | 6 | Can new onset psychosis occur after mRNA based COVID-19 vaccine administration? A case report | NIH | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, mRNA, Psychosis |
2021-12-10 | 6 | Doctor's Orders | Rumble | Food & Health | Doctors, Medical Authority, Covid, Big Pharma, Hyberbaric Treatment, Mind Control |
2022-01-19 | 6 | An Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr | Oracle Films | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Truth, Covid Truth, RFKjr |
2022-02-06 | 6 | Covid Update: What is the truth? | Surgical Neurologyint | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Pandemic, Truth |
2022-03-04 | 6 | A Letter to Andrew Hill | Oracle Films | Geopolitics, Food & Health | WHO, Covid, Ivermectin, Covid Lies |
2022-04-01 | 6 | A Final Report Card On The States' Response To Covid-19 | National Bureau of Economic research | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, US, Pandemic, Vaccines, Vaccine Mandates, Covid Response, Data |
2022-04-12 | 6 | Freeze the Fear with Wim Hof | BBC | Food & Health | Wim Hof, Cold Therapy, Health |
2022-04-12 | 6 | C19 'vaccine'- the cause of causes | Coquin de Chien's Newsletter | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Injury, Vaccine Deaths, |
2022-04-13 | 6 | Jabbed And Denied Life Insurance | Natural Blaze | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccine, Jabbed, Life Insurance |
2022-04-13 | 6 | Urgent - my video call with the WHO this morning | A Better Way to Health with Dr. Tess Lawrie | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | WHO, Pandemic, Treaty, Global Health |
2022-04-15 | 6 | German parliament REJECTS proposed COVID vaccine mandate after months of debate | News Target | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Mandates, Germany, Pushback |
2022-04-18 | 6 | COVID Vaccine Mandate for Pilots Violates Federal Law, Puts Passengers at Risk, Citizen Group Warns | The Defender | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccine, Mandates, Airline Pilots, Federal Law |
2022-04-18 | 6 | Health Freedom Defense Fund Wins Lawsuit Against Federal Travel Mask Mandate Pdf | Legal Document | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Mask Mandate, Airlines, Lawsuit |
2022-04-19 | 6 | Covid-19 Injections And The Global Control Grid'Just Say No | Weston Price | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, WHO, Control Grid |
2022-04-19 | 6 | Bob Snow-Airline Pilot WHO Had A Heart Attack On The Flight Deck Speak Out About The Forced Vax | Bitchute | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Mandates, Pilots, Heart Attacks, Vaccine Reactions |
2022-04-19 | 6 | Delivering on the G20 Leaders commitment to build an equitable and effective Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PPR) | WHO | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics, Food & Health | WHO, G20, FIF, Pandemic, Preparedness, Response |
2022-04-19 | 6 | Canadian Police for Freedom Demand Criminal Investigations for Covid Crimes | Dr. Trozzi.org | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Canada, Police, Investigations, Push Back |
2022-04-20 | 6 | 'Chinese police order residents to hand over passports ''until after the pandemic''' | RFA | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, China, Police, Residents, Passports, Pandemic |
2022-04-22 | 6 | NASA "Holoported" A Doctor To Space Station | The Giza Death Star | Science & Technology, Space | Space Station, Hologram, Doctor |
2022-04-22 | 6 | MIT Scientist Stephanie Seneff on the Relationship Between mRNA Vaccines & Prion Diseases | Gettr | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, mRNA, Vaccines, Prion Diseases |
2022-04-30 | 6 | Burp-catching mask for gassy cows, designed to reduce methane emissions and slow down climate change, wins prestigious Prince Charles prize | Yahoo News | Food & Health | Masks, Gassy Cows, Burping |
2022-05-01 | 6 | IVDR- New EC Regulation | Medidee | Food & Health | IVD, Regulation, Disease Detection |
2022-05-05 | 6 | âDoctors & Scientistsâ Episode 27: 4-Foot-Long Blood Clots, Rare Cancers + COVID Vaccines With Ryan Cole, M.D. | Children's Health Defense | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Reaction, Long Blood Clots |
2022-05-09 | 6 | Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals? | Prepare For Change | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Covid, Vaccines, Doctors, Vaccinated, Unvaccinated, Quitting |
2022-05-09 | 6 | Bill Gates: 92nd st Y- Pandemic | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Pandemic, Covid, Locckdown |
2022-05-09 | 6 | Bill Gates: 92nd st Y- Pandemic | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Pandemic, Covid, Locckdown | |
2022-05-10 | 6 | NIH scientists received estimated $350 million in royalties since 2009: Report | Washington Examier | Geopolitics, Food & Health | NIH, Scientists, Royalties |
2022-05-10 | 6 | I Read Bill Gates' New Book (So You Don't Have To!) | Activist Post | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Pandemic, Public Health |
2022-05-18 | 6 | Naomi Wolf: FDA Knew Vax Was a Failure and Dangerous | Daily Clout | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Medical Fraud, Dangerous |
2022-05-25 | 6 | I-Recover: Post-Vaccine Treatment | Covid 19 Critical Care | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Post Vaccines, Reactions, Treatment |
2022-05-25 | 6 | No.2 ICU Doctor in the World breaks down over Adverse Reactions from the Covid jabs being ignored & calls it a Humanitarian Crisis. | Telegram | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Adverse Reactions, ICU Doctors |
2022-05-29 | 6 | Democracy At Threat By WHO's Centralization of Power- Geneva Press Club Press Conference Full Video 5/29/22 | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Democracy, WHO, Pandemic Treaty |
2022-05-30 | 6 | Study: Mask mandates increase death rate | SGT Report | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Pandemic, Masks, Mandates, Death |
2022-06-01 | 6 | Vietnam develops 'world's first' African swine fever vaccine for commercial use | Reuters | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Vietnam, Swine Flu, Vaccines |
2022-06-08 | 6 | Population - With a Disability, 16 Years and over | FRED Economic Research | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Chart, Population, Disability |
2022-06-16 | 6 | Why Did 49 Governors Pre-Order Deadly Covid Jabs for Kids Under 5? | America First Report | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccines, Under 5, Children, US, Governors |
2022-06-17 | 6 | Drug Development in the Metaverse | National Law Review | Economy & Financial Markets, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Metaverse, Drugs, Big Pharma, Development |
2022-06-17 | 6 | 'Friday Roundtable' Episode 12: The Pharmaceutical Cartel-An Attack on Our Children | CHD TV | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Mandates, Children, Babies, FDA |
2022-06-20 | 6 | SADS - according to International Olympic Committee data, an avg of 29 athletes under the age of 35 suffer sudden death per year fm 1966-2004. Fm Mar '21 - Mar'22, 769 athletes have died or suffered cardiac arrest. | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Reactions, Athletes, Sudden Death Syndrome | |
2022-06-20 | 6 | Urgent: The Covid vaccine paper on declining sperm counts is even worse than it seems at first | Unreported Truths | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Reactions, Sperm Count |
2022-06-22 | 6 | Incredible moment US synchronised swimmer's coach leaps into pool to save her life after she Faints in the water at world championships in Budapest - a year after she was rescued in similar drama during Olympic qualifiers | Daily Mail | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Reactions, Athletes |
2022-06-22 | 6 | Sorry, But No (Western Weather) | Market-Ticker | Science & Technology | Weather, Modification, |
2022-06-23 | 6 | Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Paves Way for Thousands of Lawsuits Claiming Monsanto's Roundup Causes Cancer | Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Reactions, Athletes, Sudden Death Syndrome | |
2022-06-28 | 6 | The Weaponization of Biotech | ICENI Bulletins | Science & Technology, Food & Health | Biotech, Unregulated, Personal Automy |
2022-06-28 | 7 | Beijing Communist Chief Announces Five More Years of Lockdowns | Breitbart | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Beijing, Lockdowns |
2022-01-22 | 7 | Chaos in the world will prevail until 2026? - Dr. A. Fursov | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Covid, Economy, Chaos, Riots, Globalisation, 2026 |
2022-02-12 | 7 | Naomi Wolf: FDA Knew Vax Was a Failure and Dangerous | USA Watchdog | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Rob Kirby, Canada, Truckers, Great Reset |
2022-02-28 | 7 | Berkeley Professor Lecture on Cryptocurrency-Computer Security 161 Cryptocurrency Lecture | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies, Science & Technology | Professor, Cybersecurity, Cryptocurrency, Lecture |
2022-03-31 | 7 | Stock market news live updates: Stocks extend losses to cap worst quarter in 2 years | Yahoo News | Economy & Financial Markets | Russia, Ukraine, Market Impacts |
2022-04-01 | 7 | The Global Risks Report 2022 | weforum.org | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Global Risks, WEF, Climate, Cyber, Migration |
2022-04-11 | 7 | 'Through Ukraine' Can the West Use the War to Stem Its Decline and the Shift to a New Global Monetary Order? | Stategic Culture | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Ukraine, War, US, EU, NATO, Decline, Monetary Order |
2022-04-12 | 7 | 'Pakistan's new government facing severe economic challenges, aide says | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Pakistan, New Government, Economy |
2022-04-13 | 7 | Jabbed And Denied Life Insurance | Natural Blaze | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccine, Jabbed, Life Insurance |
2022-04-15 | 7 | China Hesitates On Bailing Out "Sinking Ships" Sri Lanka, Pakistan | NDTV | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | China, Creditor, IMF, World Bank, Sri Kanka |
2022-04-22 | 7 | A commodities trader with 25 years pointed out to me the natural gas anomaly in Europe. | Telegram | Economy & Financial Markets | Commodities, Trading, Natural Gas |
2022-04-22 | 7 | IMF Director sums it up: - We printed too much money and didnât think of unintended consequences | Economy & Financial Markets | IMF Director, Printing Money | |
2022-04-28 | 7 | 2022 Emergency Supplemental Funding Ukraine | Whitehouse | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Whitehouse, Ukraine, Funding, Bill |
2022-04-28 | 7 | Kremlin confirms intention to Back Ruble with Gold and Commodities | Bullion Star | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Russia, Gold, Kremlin, Ruble |
2022-04-28 | 7 | To the Governor: Tennessee Bill Would Take Step Toward Treating Gold and Silver as Money | Tenth Amendment | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | TN, Gold, Silver, Currency |
2022-04-30 | 7 | If you offered me all the bitcoin in the world for $25, I wouldnât take it, says Warren Buffett | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | Warren Buffett, Bitcoin |
2022-05-01 | 7 | Investing During Stagflation | Lyn Alden | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | Investing, Inflation, Stagflation, Commodities |
2022-05-05 | 7 | Labor Costs Jump 11.6% As Productivity Falls 7.5%, Biggest Decline Since 1947 | Breitbart | Economy & Financial Markets | Labor, Producivity, Decline |
2022-05-07 | 7 | Monetary Madness Among the Central Bankers | Lew Rockwell | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | Central Banks, Balance Sheets, Inflation |
2022-05-09 | 7 | Get Ready For The Economic Collapse | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets | Economic Collapse, Inflation, Supply Chain Shortage |
2022-05-13 | 7 | Coinbase Crypto Exchange Is Warning Bankruptcy Could Wipe Out User Funds | Need To Know | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | Crypto, Coinbase, Bankruptcy |
2022-05-16 | 7 | Luna Crypto Crash: How UST Broke, Why It Matters and What's Next | CNET | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | Luna, Crypto, Crash, UST |
2022-05-17 | 7 | Companies count the cost of ditching Russia | Reuters | Geopolitics | Geopolitics, WU |
2022-05-17 | 7 | Bank of England chief Andrew Bailey issues 'apocalyptic' warning about food prices and admits he is 'helpless' to do anything about inflation... while urging Britons Not to ask for pay rises | Daily Mail | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics, | Bank of England, Food, Shortage, Inflation |
2022-05-17 | 7 | The Swiss Connection: How Russia Is Weathering Tough Sanctions | Oil Price | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Switzerland, Russia, Oil, exports |
2022-05-17 | 7 | Formula for disaster: Bill Gates' BIOMILQ pushing formula shortage | Rumble | Geopolitics, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Baby Formula, Shortage, BIOMILQ |
2022-05-17 | 7 | The Great Crypto Crash of 22 | The Giza Death Star | Economy & Financial Markets | Luna, Crypto, Crash, Bitcoin |
2022-05-17 | 7 | Bank of England warns of 'apocalyptic' global food shortage | Telegraph | Economy & Financial Markets, Food & Health | Bank of England, Food, Shortage, Inflation |
2022-05-18 | 7 | Tucker: Inflation is proof the people in charge are reckless and stupid | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets | US, Energy, Inflation |
2022-05-18 | 7 | Yellen: Not legal for U.S. to seize Russian official assets | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Yellen, US, Asset Seizure, Russia |
2022-05-20 | 7 | In full: Former BoE Governor warns of a "very unpleasant period" ahead | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies, Geopolitics | Bank of England, Food, Shortage, Inflation |
2022-05-26 | 7 | No one is ready for the rising tide of climate litigation | Financial Times | Economy & Financial Markets | Climate Change, Litigation, Insurance |
2022-06-01 | 7 | JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon warns an economic âhurricaneâ is coming | NY Post | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon, Inflation, Economic Hurricane, |
2022-06-02 | 7 | Austrian Monetary Gold Transfer from London to Switzerland-Planned in 2015-Still Hasn't Arrived | Gainsville Coins | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies[/hide] | Gold, Austrian, Central Bank, London |
2022-06-03 | 7 | The Wealth of Queen Elizabeth II, Explained | The Wall Street Journal | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Queen Elizabeth ll, Wealth |
2022-06-03 | 7 | Brazilian central banker describes how CBDC system can halt bank runs | CoinTelegraph | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies, Geopolitics | Brazil, Central Banker, CBDC, Bank Run |
2022-06-07 | 7 | "We're Closely Monitoring" - Did Yellen Just Signal Gold-Grab Over Russian Sanctions Loophole? | Zerohedge | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | Yellen, US, Asset Seizure, Russia, Gold |
2022-06-11 | 7 | Andreas Treichl Bilderberg 2022: 'Pretty Bad, Serious Situation' Disruption Coming To Global Finance | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Bilderberg, 2022, Inflation, Global Finance, |
2022-06-15 | 7 | MicroStrategy denies it received a margin call against bitcoin-backed loan | CNBC | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | MicroStrategy, Bitcoin, Loan, Margin Call, Investor |
2022-06-18 | 7 | Cost of lunch with Warren Buffett: (winning bids in charity auction) | Economy & Financial Markets, | Warren Buffet, Charity, Auction, Lunch | |
2022-06-19 | 7 | Rescue Cash-Prevent Digital Slavery | America Out Loud | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | Cash, Digital Control, Slavery, Great Reset |
2022-06-20 | 7 | Europe faces 'severe' risk of disorderly financial market correction: Lagarde | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Europe, Christine LaGarde, Finance, Market, Correction, Housing |
2022-06-21 | 7 | ZKB refuses to give "grandma" her 425,000 Swiss francs in cash. | Inside Paradeplatz | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies, Geopolitics | Switzerland, Swiss Francs, Cash |
2022-06-22 | 7 | BRICS developing new global reserve currency -Putin | RT | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies, Geopolitics | BRICs, Reserve Currency, Gloabl Economy, Multi-polar |
2022-06-23 | 7 | Financial Rebellion Episode 27: How to Expose Financial Information from U.S. State + Local Government, Charities + Mortgage Lenders | Children's Health Defense | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Financial Information, State, Local, Government, Charities, Mortgage Lenders |
2022-06-23 | 7 | Kennedy questions Maurstad on Risk Rating 2.0 in Banking | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | FEMA, Insurance, Risk Rating, Algorthim |
2022-06-29 | 7 | Toilet-flushing the U.S. in 3 Exciting Fed Colors | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | US, Economy, Debt, inflation |
2021-12-04 | 8 | What Is It About Crypt-O That You Don't Understand? - Catherine Austin Fitts | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | CAF, Crypto, Bitcoin, Digital Control |
2022-02-04 | 8 | Sovereign Aboriginal Yidindji Nation Launches Own CBDC | Crypto News | Precious Metals & Currencies | Going Direct Reset, CDBC, Australia |
2022-04-06 | 8 | French court pulls SpaceX's Starlink license | The Register | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Space | France, SpaceX, Starlink, Legal Action, Push Back |
2022-04-11 | 8 | UK wants to be the most desired best place to start and scale crypto companies | The Times of India | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | UK, Crypto, Crypto Hub |
2022-04-19 | 8 | Covid-19 Injections And The Global Control GridâJust Say No | Weston Price | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, WHO, Control Grid |
2022-04-19 | 8 | Delivering on the G20 Leaders commitment to build an equitable and effective Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PPR) | WHO | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics, Food & Health | WHO, G20, FIF, Pandemic, Preparedness, Response |
2022-04-28 | 8 | Kremlin confirms intention to Back Ruble with Gold and Commodities | Bullion Star | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Russia, Gold, Kremlin, Ruble |
2022-05-04 | 8 | Morgan Stanley's Frankfurt Offices Raided As Part Of Cum-Ex Tax Fraud Probe | Zerohedge | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Morgan Stanley, Frankfurt, Tax Fraud, Probe |
2022-05-17 | 8 | IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots | Ice Age Farmer | Geopolitics, Food & Health | Food, Rationing, Biometrics IDs, Food Riots, Iran |
2022-06-20 | 8 | Blood pressure e-tattoo promises continuous, mobile monitoring | PHYS.org | Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bio-tech, e-Tatto, Blood Pressure, Mobile Monitor, Digital Surveillance |
2022-06-22 | 8 | The Rise & Risks of Central Bank Digital Currencies | Corey's Dig | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | US, Fed, CBDC, Surveillance |
2022-06-29 | 8 | JPMorgan Chase and Citibank Hold 90 Percent of All Gold and Other Precious Metals Derivatives Held by All U.S. Banks | Wall Street on Parade | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | JP Morgan, Citibank, Gold, Precious Metals, Derivatives, US, Banks |
2015-11-12 | 9 | Food Chain Reaction crisis simulation ends with global carbon tax | Cargill | Geopolitics, Food & Health | Food Shortage, Inflation, Supply Chain, Food Prices, Civil Unrest, Carbon Tax |
2022-04-03 | 9 | Second avian influenza case found in Wisconsin | Brownfield Ag News | Food & Health | Food Shortages, Bird Flu |
2022-04-21 | 9 | A List Of 16 Major Fires That Have Occurred At Key Food Industry Facilities In The U.S. Since The Start Of 2022 | The Economic Collapse | Economy & Financial Markets, Food & Health | Fires, Food, Processing Plants, |
2022-04-21 | 9 | Multiple Large Food Processing & Distribution Plants In US Have Recently Exploded Or Burned Down | The Free Thought Project | Economy & Financial Markets, Food & Health | Food, Processing, Industrial Accidents, Food Shortages |
2022-04-29 | 9 | 'Computer malfunction' Caused Death of 27,000 Chickens | Hackread | Geopolitics, Food & Health | Fire, Plant, Chickens, |
2022-05-06 | 9 | Tucker Carlson Interviews Alfie Oakes on Food Inflation | Youtube | Geopolitics, Food & Health | Tucker Carlson, Alfie Oakes, Food, Inflation |
2022-05-17 | 9 | Formula for disaster: Bill Gates' BIOMILQ pushing formula shortage | Rumble | Geopolitics, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Baby Formula, Shortage, BIOMILQ |
2022-05-17 | 9 | IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots | Ice Age Farmer | Geopolitics, Food & Health | Food, Rationing, Biometrics IDs, Food Riots, Iran |
2022-05-17 | 9 | Bank of England warns of 'apocalyptic' global food shortage | Telegraph | Economy & Financial Markets, Food & Health | Bank of England, Food, Shortage, Inflation |
2022-06-06 | 9 | The GMO War Within The War | The Giza Death Star | Geopolitics, Food & Health | Russia, Ukraine, Food Crisis, GMOs |
2022-06-20 | 9 | NASA's Narrative On Those S.A.D. Cattle In Kansas | The Giza Death Star | Science & Technology, Food & Health | NASA, Kansas, Cattle, Dead Animals, Magnetosphere |
2022-04-03 | 10 | Canadian River Bottom Ranch Fire #fire | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Canada, Grass Fire, |
2022-06-25 | 10 | What Is a Wildfire and How to Prepare for One | The Organic Prepper | Take Action | Wild Fire, Take Action |
2022-06-08 | 11 | World's richest families invest more in private equity amid volatile markets UBS?? | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets | Investors, Stock Market, Private Equity |
2022-04-13 | 11 | BlackRock's Newest Investment Paves The Way For Digital Assets On Wall Street | Forbes | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Black Rock, Wall St, Investments, Digital Assets |
2022-04-13 | 11 | The Turn In Value Is Just Getting Started | GMO | Economy & Financial Markets | Investors, Retail, Growth |
2022-04-20 | 11 | World Requires $1.3 Trillion Energy Investment by 2030: JP Morgan Report | NDTV | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | EnergyEnergy, Climate Change, Investment |
2021-06-18 | 12 | Pakistan PM will "absolutely not" allow CIA to use bases for Afghanistan operations? | Axios | Geopolitics | Pakistan, CIA, Military Bases, Afghanistan |
2022-03-22 | 12 | 10 Reasons to Question the 'Putin vs Davos'Narrative | Off Guardian | Geopolitics | Going Direct Reset, Russia, Vaxxed Mandates, Technocracy |
2022-04-05 | 12 | Springtime for GloboCap | Consent Factory | Geopolitics | Going Direct Reset, Russia, Ukraine, Covid-19, Multipolar World |
2022-05-05 | 12 | As the SEC Cracks Down on Shady SPACS, CIA Officials Get in on the Action? | The Intercept | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | SEC, SPACS, CIA |
2022-05-09 | 12 | Bill Gates: 92nd st Y- Pandemic | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Bill Gates, Pandemic, Covid, Locckdown |
2022-05-09 | 12 | U.S. Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Officials Say | The New York Times | Geopolitics | Ukraine, Russia, US, Intelligence, Generals |
2022-05-12 | 12 | 'We Are At War': Naomi Wolf Breaks Down The WHO's Plan To Seize Power | Rumble | Geopolitics | WHO, Pandemic, Treaty, Global Health, Global Goverance |
2022-05-13 | 12 | Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UN Security Council briefing on biological laboratories in Ukraine (agenda item "Threats to international peace and security") | Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN | Geopolitics | Ukraine, Biolabs, Bioweapons, UN, Security Council |
2022-06-04 | 12 | Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich's British telecoms company Truphone, once worth half a billion dollars, to be sold for $1 | Business Insider | Geopolitics | Russia, Oligarch, Truphone, Sale |
2022-04-02 | 13 | Miracles or Murder A Guidebook to Concepts of A Course in Miracles | Miracles of Murder | Geopolitics | Media, Shrieking, Propaganda |
2022-05-28 | 13 | Two networks, Same victim, different fathers. | Geopolitics | TX, School Shooting, Uvalde, Media, Two Fathers | |
2022-06-06 | 13 | Vaxx skeptic Sherri Tenpenny kicked off Truth Social? | Geopolitics | Censorship, Media, Vaccines, Truth Social | |
2022-06-16 | 13 | Memorandum on the Establishment of the White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse? | Whitehouse | Geopolitics | White House, Task Force, Online Harassment |
2022-06-17 | 13 | Assange Is Doing His Most Important Work Yet | Substack | Geopolitics | ulian Assange, Trial, Extradition, Journalism |
2022-04-01 | 14 | University of Toronto drops vaccine mandate after being hit with human rights complaint | Lifesite | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Mandates, School Mandate, Pushback |
2022-04-11 | 14 | UK wants to be the most desired best place to start and scale crypto companies | The Times of India | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies | UK, Crypto, Crypto Hub |
2022-05-17 | 14 | Miami International Airport plans for biometric boarding at all gates by 2023? | Biometric Update | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Miami, Airport, Biometric, Boarding Gates |
2022-05-05 | 15 | U.S. Travelers Will Need REAL ID Cards To Board All Flights Starting Next Year | Travel Off Path | Geopolitics | US, Travelers, ID Cards, Flights |
2022-05-06 | 15 | Are 'Vaccinated' Drivers a Traffic Risk? | Rair Foundation | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Food & Health | Covid, Vaccines, Vaccine Reactions, Driving |
2022-05-16 | 15 | Worlds First Vertiport For Flying Taxis Opens In UK | Great Game India | Science & Technology | Vaccines, Fetal Tissue, DNA |
2022-05-31 | 15 | Watch this incredible footage of a jetpack-flying medic | Euronews.travel | Science & Technology | Transportation and Travel |
2022-06-15 | 15 | Nearly 400 car crashes in 11 months involved automated tech, companies tell regulators? | NPR | Science & Technology | Automated Tech, Automated Drivers, Tesla, NHTSA, Car Crashes |
2021-06-18 | 16 | Pentagon Spokesperson Dodges Question About Alien Bodies and Crafts | Exonews | Space | Pentagon, Space Crafts, Aliens |
2022-05-14 | 16 | Pentagon gives go-ahead to US Physicist to publish data on Nuclear Events on Mars | Tales From Out There | Space | Pentagon, Paper, Nuclear Events, Mars |
2022-06-22 | 16 | Biosynthetic potential of the global ocean microbiome? | Nature.com | Science & Technology, Food & Health | Ocean, Microbiome, Biosynthetic, Mcrobial |
2022-03-29 | 17 | Russia Offers SWIFT Alternative to India for Ruble Payments | Bloomberg | Precious Metals & Currencies | Multipolar World, Petro Ruble |
2022-04-01 | 17 | GOP bill would make State Dept. reveal Chinaâs Putin collaboration | New York Post | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, China, UN, Security Council, Axis Act |
2022-04-14 | 17 | Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: Ukraine Strange - UFOs and Deep State Actors | Youtube | Geopolitics, Space | Russia, Covert Wars, Spy Games, UFOs, CIA |
2022-04-28 | 17 | Russian Spy Chief Says U.S., Poland Plotting Division of Ukraine | Reuters | Geopolitics | Russia, Spy Chief, US, Poland, Ukraine |
2022-04-29 | 17 | House Passes AXIS Act That Accuses China of âWhitewashing Russiaâs War Crimesâ | The Epoch Times | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, China, UN, Security Council, Axis Act |
2022-05-07 | 17 | Lavrov's Controversial Remarks on Zelensky & Hitler | Youtube | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, Zelensky, Lavvrov |
2022-05-13 | 17 | Russia: Top Democrats Involved In US-Funded Bioware Research in Ukraine | TRU News | Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, Biolabs, US, Democrats |
2022-05-13 | 17 | Macron suggested Ukraine give up some of its sovereignty to allow Putin to save face, says Zelensky | Yahoo News | Geopolitics | Macron, Russia, Ukraine, Zelensky, Sovereignty |
2022-06-20 | 17 | US Army looks to address capability gaps as it rebuilds Arctic operations? | Defense News | Geopolitics | US, Army, Rebuild, Arctic, Operations |
2022-06-21 | 17 | Putin's Speech. Is This A Declaration of Independence and We King George? | Adam Townsend | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies, Geopolitics | Putin, Speech, Multi-polar, BRICs, Global Economy, US |
2022-06-22 | 17 | BRICS developing new global reserve currency - Putin | RT | Economy & Financial Markets, Precious Metals & Currencies, Geopolitics | BRICs, Reserve Currency, Gloabl Economy, Multi-polar |
2022-04-01 | 18 | The Global Risks Report 2022 | weforum.org | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Global Risks, WEF, Climate, Cyber, Migration |
2022-04-01 | 19 | The Global Risks Report 2022 | weforum.org | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Global Risks, WEF, Climate, Cyber, Migration |
2022-04-04 | 19 | Germany has seized control of a local unit of Russian natural-gas giant Gazprom, saying it will do 'what is necessary' to maintain energy supply in the country | Yahoo News | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Russia, Ukraine, German Seizure of Gazprom |
2022-04-30 | 19 | Germany girds for gas rationing, Europe on edge in Russian standoff | Reuters | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Russia, Ukraine, EU Consequences, Natural Gas Shortages |
2022-05-04 | 19 | German Regulator Shelves ESG Rules After Russia Energy Fears | Bloomberg | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Germany, Regulator, ESG, Russia, Energy |
2022-05-05 | 19 | Why NOPEC, the U.S. bill to crush the OPEC cartel, matters | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | OPEC, US, Bill, Oil, Cartel |
2022-05-12 | 19 | Diesel Fuel Shortage Sets Stage for Next Biden Created Crisis | The Last Refuge | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | US, Diesel, Supply Collapse |
2022-05-12 | 19 | Russia could cut gas supply to Finland on Friday | Reuters | Economy & Financial Markets, Geopolitics | Russia, Gas, Finland, Cutoff |
2022-05-18 | 19 | Tucker: Inflation is proof the people in charge are reckless and stupid | Youtube | Economy & Financial Markets | US, Energy, Inflation |
2022-05-26 | 19 | No one is ready for the rising tide of climate litigation | Financial Times | Economy & Financial Markets | Climate Change, Litigation, Insurance |
2019-05-01 | 20 | Swiss Re rated 5G âhigh impactâ | EM-Radiation | Science & Technology | Switerland, 5G, High Impact |
2021-06-22 | 20 | Allergic to Meat-Human Engineering | Food & Health | Tick, Allergy, Red Meat | |
2022-02-28 | 20 | Computer Security 161 Cryptocurrency Lecture | Block Chain | Precious Metals & Currencies, Science & Technology | Block Chain |
2022-03-31 | 20 | First âGaplessâ Human Genome Map Is Unveiled, Years After Earlier Effort | WSJ | Science & Technology, Food & Health | Going Direct Reset, Transhumanism, Technocracy, Gene Manipulation |
2022-04-05 | 20 | Amazon signs on launch partners for space internet | Space Daily | Space | Going Direct Reset, Space, Technocracy |
2022-04-06 | 20 | French court pulls SpaceX's Starlink license | The Register | Geopolitics, Science & Technology, Space | France, SpaceX, Starlink, Legal Action, Push Back |
2022-04-17 | 20 | Something REALLY BAD is About to Fundamentally Change Humanity - (Pt 1) | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Transhumanism, Great Reset, AI, Gene-editing, Bionics |
2022-04-22 | 20 | NASA "Holoported" A Doctor To Space Station | The Giza Death Star | Science & Technology, Space | Space Station, Hologram, Doctor |
2022-04-25 | 20 | Google CEO Says America Will Be Governed By Robots | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Google, America, Govern, Robots, AI, Creepy Tecgh |
2022-05-08 | 20 | Science Is Redefining Motherhood. If Only Society Would Let It | Wired | Science & Technology | Motherhood, Pregnacy, Men Having Babies |
2022-05-25 | 20 | ?? | The Giza Death Star | Science & Technology | Nanoparticles, Fossils, Nanofossils, Plankton, Ocean |
2022-05-31 | 20 | Tamagotchi kids: could the future of parenthood be having virtual children in the metaverse? | The Guardian | Science & Technology | Viritual Children, Metaverse, Creepy Tech |
2022-06-10 | 20 | Japanese scientists make strides toward perfecting humanlike robots with lab-grown human skin | Youtube | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Japan, Robots, Lab Grown, Human Skin, Creepy Tech |
2022-06-13 | 20 | Google Engineer Placed On Leave After Insisting Company's AI Is Sentient | Zerohedge | Geopolitics, Science & Technology | Google, Engineer, AI, Sentient, LaMDA, |
2022-06-15 | 20 | Mandela Effect Technology?? | The Giza Death Star | Science & Technology | Miss Remember, Memory |
2022-06-20 | 20 | NASA's Narrative On Those S.A.D. Cattle In Kansas | The Giza Death Star | Science & Technology, Food & Health | NASA, Kansas, Cattle, Dead Animals, Magnetosphere |